Work Package 2 Frequency Stability by Design

WP2 Leader: University College Dublin

What is WP2 about?

WP2 deals with the frequency control of power system with low or even no inertia. Saying that a power system includes inertia means that controlling the frequency is a synonym of balancing the active power of generation and consumption, as illustrated below.

The penetration of renewables and distributed energy resources has consistently reduced in recent year the inertia of power systems. This trend is anticipated to continue in the foreseeable future.

What are the goals of the WP6?

Reducing the inertia makes difficult to balance the power, as the system can become unstable and collapse following some disturbances, such as short circuits or line outages. Even more challenging is the situation where no inertia is present in the system. In this case, there is no relationship between frequency and power balance.

New strategies have thus to be implemented to keep the system stable. This is the main goal of WP2.

How will these goals be reached?

The research carried out in WP2 is split into three main sections:

  1. Study of how low inertia systems respond in the first instants after a disturbance. This involves a redefinition of frequency during transient conditions, and the implementation of distributed and/or decentralized frequency controllers.
  2. Implementation of novel primary and secondary frequency controllers for distributed energy resources for systems with low inertia. These controllers will heavily rely on energy storage systems.
  3. Implementation of new control strategies for systems with no inertia. Such controllers will not rely on the   frequency.        

How is the work done in WP2 related with the others?

  • WP2 poses the theoretical basis for the simulations
    and test fields carried out in WP4 and WP5.
  • WP2 will also provide recommendations to the WP6 for the
    definition of new network codes for frequency control.